
Originally introduced from the early Polynesian settlers who arrived on their canoes from the South Pacific, the Lomilomi massage evolved into a holistic traditional healing art which varied in style and application from island to island, even diversified within ahupu'ua (districts) and extended 'ohana's (families).

Each 'ohana practiced their own style which was handed down for generations. And this only within families and only to a specially chosen family member.
Aunty Margaret Machado from the Island of Hawaii, state approved in 1965 as the first Lomilomi instructor, ushered in a new era, as she opened her doors in 1974 to people outside of her extended family, teaching Hawaiian Lomilomi, Aunty Margaret style, to people of all colors and religions.

Knowing the hawaiian history and culture deepens the understanding and appreciation for Lomilomi as a ancient healing art.