Aunty Margaret Machado -
Kupuna of Hawaiian Lomilomi

Aunty Margaret Machado is known as one of the first Hawaiians who started to teach outside of their 'ohana (family). She is the Kupuna (elder) of the Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage (Lomilomi Aunty Margaret Style).

Aunty Margaret's grandfather, John Au from the Island of Hawaii, recognized already very early that Aunty was blessed with a special gift. He passed down his knowledge and gave her the powerful name Kalehuamakanoelu'ulu'uonapali Aha'ula Keali'i. Aunty Margaret knew the importance of being given this name and the blessings that went with it and dedicated her whole life to do healing work and to perpetuate Hawaiian Lomilomi, this ancient Hawaiian healing art.
The Haumāna (students) came from all over the world and were taught, no matter what color or religion in the beachhouse «Ohana style» at Keei Beach, South Kona.

«Your hands reveal your heart. If your hands are gentle and loving, your patient will feel the sincerity of your heart and the Lords healing will flow through you both. Remember Lomilomi is a praying work.»

Aunty Margaret Machado
(21.8.1916 - 28.12.2009)